The amount of phone calls, messages, and in person conversations we have had this year with Montana Wool Growers trying to figure out something to do with their waste or coarse wool has been very eye opening. The wool market is in dire need of some sort of change. Right now, ranchers raising anything coarser then a 26 micron are being told there is no interest in those types of wool. With no market they are advised to just compost it. That is so sad to me. I have the mindset that there is a use for all wools no matter the grade. But in turn you have to work hard to create a market and a way to sell it.
I have worked over 20 years to create my own market for our own wool and now 20 years later I am also able to help a small handful of neighbors by buying their wool. With our new Pellet equipment, we seem to be gaining more attention, not necessarily to purchase our pellets but to purchase everyone’s “waste” wool. We wish we could purchase everyone’s waste wool just to keep wool alive. But until Wool Pellets are better known we can only do what we can. Slowly educating about the superpowers of wool and wool pellets.
At the turn of the century there were 2 million sheep in Montana. Today’s reports show there is 180,000 sheep in Montana producing 1,380,000 of wool. On average 1 sheep produces 8 lbs. of usable wool and approx. 1 lb. of waste wool. So, from 1 sheep’s fleece you can get approx. 18 skeins of yarn and 1 lb. of pellets.

Or another example would be from 1 sheep's fleece you can get about 3 sweaters 2 hats and 1 lb. of pellets to fertilize 30 square foot garden.

With spring officially here, it is time to start thinking about those gardens. Don’t forget Wool Pellet in those plans.
5 Gallon of Wool Pellets = 20 lbs. coverage is approximately 600 square feet.
2 Gallons of Wool Pellets = 8 lbs. coverage is approximately 240 square feet.
1 quart of Wool Pellets = 1 lb. coverage is approximately 30 square feet
And remember to support local Montana Wools.