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Sheep Feeders

Mesquite Melton & Kami Noyes

Feeders are a great tool to use when trying to keep vm off the sheep’s backs and out of the wool. We only use the feeders during lambing season, when the wool is short. The feeders help keep the vm off by not allowing the hay to fall down onto the sheep, they also work well when trying to keep hay waste to a minimum.

Below first is our long feeder is fed with a tractor, but it still needs altered so the lambs cannot crawl through it.

Our smaller feeder is made out of rebar and ply wood and is fed using a pitchfork. We do not have a problem with the lambs crawling through this one. But does have a little waste. Remember we only use our feeders during the early sprin lambing season so the fleece are short.

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